Friday, August 28, 2015

This is what a week looks like in Samoa

The buses.
Samoa is always green.  Tons of plants and flowers.
Another bus
One of the many waterfalls.

A hike on Saturday to see a Maa tree.
Senior Missionary resting.
The Maa Tree.

The base of the Maa Tree
A small water fall.  Great place to cool off at.
Another bus.
and another.
A picture of one of the resorts.
Finding sand dollars.
Elder Gillette found some to.

Great ocean views

A day at the beach.

The red and blue bus.

A LDS church house.
Wood shop.  Sister Gillette spent two week there.  She was the safety inspector.

Young Woman's talent show.
Green Bay Packers bus.
The new Mission President.  Brothers and Sister Saunders.

The Lewis Stevenson Estate.
Happy Anniversary.  Best companion ever.  Thirty nine years.

Samoa make the most beautiful flower arrangements.

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Samoan  music.  Love it.

Samoan  dancers even better.

Elder and Sister Gillette and Elder and Sister Whittle.
The pink bus.
Just a bus.
a store.

The last bus. One day I will get pictures of all the buses. Then you can vote on which you like the best.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Father's Day in Samoa

The Students made Lava Lava's for fathers day.  First they sewing them.

I bought them pizza for there lunch break.

Painting the fabric.

Gooding senators colors.

Drying the Lava Lava.


Some finished lava lava's

The students made twenty five lava lava's that day.  A lava lava is what you tie around your waist and wear.

Ward's  fathers day party.

A friends little guy.  I should bring him home.

 Elder and Sister Gillette and Elder and Sister Schaefermeyer.

Lots of food and they love to eat.

The  young Women were some of the entertainment.

Driving up to Sauniatu.  These are sheep.


Can you see the black and red bird?  We have tired to get a picture of this bird since we got here.

We notice this tree for the first time.

Liam LoLo.