Saturday, October 24, 2015

Month five and Six. Yes we been here Six months

Elaine's sixteen Birthday treat.  First time she celebrated her Birthday.

Elder Gillette, Jennie and Nancy sitting outside the V-Tech Buildings.

Beautiful young ladies.
School Dance

Stake family history celebration.

Done and ready to eat.
Children in Samoa.

The Sister who  does all the cooking at the mission home.

Stake Family History Celebration.

Elder Gillette,  Aign,(Neighbor and dear friend)  Sister Gillette.
Young Women and Young Men in our ward.

Watching the Rugby game with Elaine dad.

Stand on the line.

Neighborhood Children.
Australia sixteen and under Rugby team.

Elder Gillette favorite tree.

Student getting their IA project ready

Cina and Hillary.
Bags made by students.

The only girl in the welding class.  Coconut scrubber made by the students.

Woodwork IA.

Jennie and  Lizzy.

IA are done ready to be tasted.

Sister Gillette and Beni.  This young man is amazing.  He can paint material, cook, and Weld.

Jennie, Lizzy and Sister Gillette.

Getting the fist ready.

Samoa food at it best!

The day Sister Cassita left.

Elder and Sister Jacob.  Best Rescue Rangers.

Aggie Gray Resort.

Sister Cassita enjoy here last night on the island.

Rescue  Rangers.

Saturday at the beach.

Sister missionaries.  Both sisters are from Samoa.  Great Sisters.

Building self with Elder Gillette.

Finished project.

Elder Gillette teaching Students.
"Display Day"

Bags made by the students.

Some of my students.

Bags and Painted material.

Finish coconut scrubber.

Cloth lines.

Garage holder you see on the side of the roads.  All projects made the welding class.
Cooking for "Display Day."

Love these young ladies.

Parents of the students at "Display Day".

Going away party for the Dentists.
Table decorations.  Made from Mango Leafs.
Eating out with the AP's.  Great young man.

A Saturday's adventure at the sliding rocks.

Elder Gillette enjoy the cool water.

Elder McBride sliding down the rocks.

Some of the senior couples in Samoa enjoying their P-day.
Sister Gillette's found her name on the stairs.

Got to love Samoa.

Saturday at the open market with Jennie and family.

At Jennie's house.  (Dad, Jennie's Nephew's, Jennie and Sister Gillette).

Could not get enough on these two boys.

Their pigs.

Elder Gillette trying out a new fruit.
Their tree fale.

They were loved  having their picture taken.  I would take one and show them. 

Jennie telling Elder Gillette just eat the inside of that fruit.

Their chicken.

Elder Gillette working on the car with these helpers.  Best helpers  ever.

Our new job.  We have put five missionary bed together the last couple of  days.

 Life is good in SOMOA.