Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Senior Class project, Graduation, Prom and school out TVET party

The benches the senior class made and gave to the school.

Elder Gillette was proud of these students.

Jenny writing her name .

The finished project.

Graduation 2015

Penny,  Sister Gillette and Elder Gillette.  Penny future is a mission.

Jenny family.
The crew.

Jenny with Elder and Sister Gillette.

FT Students
The lays were hand made by Jenny family.  They have a little red fruit on them.

Some pictures of the students.
Way to go Jenny Girl.

Look at all those candy lays
Prom 2015

Sister Gillette trying to remember how to dance.

What a fun night.  Love seeing the students all dress up.  Jenny family made my dress.
TVET after school party at Sauniatu.

Jenny was the only girl invited.

The stair way down to the falls.
Brother Rash preparing the meal.

Students jumping from the rock wall.

The meal.  Brother Rash is a good cook.

Brother Rash house in Sauniatu.

Pool cave.
Staff Christmas Party.

Roasted pig.  It was very good.

One teacher ready for Christmas break.