Saturday, January 30, 2016

What we have been doing! !

Lyle and Lucinda and family  arriving in Samoa.  Lucinda took most the pictures we enjoy the kids.

In Savai'i.  The steps at church school.  They climbed to the top.
The turtles
Olivia at the Fia fia

Elder Gillette don't you just love his new style.

Fia fia

P-day at Saletoga Sands resort.
A beautiful place.
Three Elders that we have in our area and they come by for water.
Fine young elders.
Elder and Sister Schaefermeyer.
 Big Beautiful flowers.
P-Day at Saletoga sands resort.
Elder Gillette and three Elders.
Fishing trip with Elder and Sister whittle.


The boat.  It was not a chartered boat.  It was a boat owned by a local fisherman.

I can't believe we went out on the ocean in this.
Cleaning the fish.

The captain.

The captain eating raw fish.
The other side of the coastal walk.

These young Samoa where having the time of their lives playing on their boat.

The catch.

Fun times with Sister Whittle.
Just another fale in Samoa

Cute little Samoa girl.


another picture of the ocean.

another waterfall.
Lava in Samoa.  They built their houses on it.

Black sand beach.  What a day.  The waves were crazy.

Last beach trip with Brother and Sister Lorenz.
 Some of Elder and Sister Kennerly  family getting married.

The happy couple.

The bride.
The dinner afterwards.

They will be getting baptized this weekend.

Look at the clouds behind the temple.  Samoa clouds are so pretty.

Beach day with Elder Gifford Nielsen.  What a great day.

Senior Missionaries and Elder and Sister Nielsen.

Elder and Sister Gifford Nielsen

The snails in our backyard.  Some morning they are all over the grass.

Elder Chrisofferson.  What a blessing to spend time with him and hear him speak.

Elder and Sister Christofferson . A apostle of the Lord.

Elder and Sister Christofferson,  Elder and Sister Gillette, President and Sister Hanneman.