Saturday, July 30, 2016

What cooking at Pesega round 2

  Each year the students do IA Cooking Project in school. I don't think so Sister Williams.

Pasta Salad.

Sheppard Pie.  This was very good.

Stir Fry.

Club Sandwich.

Stir Fry and a great smile.

Garden Soup.  This was so good.

Yes, their are some young man in our class.

Hot Potato salad and fried chicken. 

Preparing the dish.
The start of stir fry.

Egg plant and rice.  This did not look that good but it was great.

If looks could kill!

Green salad and fired chicken.

You guess?

Egg plant and chicken.

At the end of the day.

Just your plain tuna sandwich.

Beef stew.

Wood shop pictures.

Welding Class making tables for a welfare project.

Weight lifting stand.

Finished table.

Making a end table.

Our favorite missionary  Elder Barclay.

Elaine.  We have known her for almost 18 months now.

I think I can.  I think I can.

Having way to much fun.
What is in this?

I just glad my IA is done.

Julie is the best.  Two weeks of IA projects.  It is fun and remember these items are all cook from scratch.  Well done students.