Saturday, June 27, 2015

Net Ball and More Beaches

Net Ball.  Notice no net or backboard.

Pesega  girls in blue and gold.

No dribbling just passing.

In the gym with the varsity girls.  I did enjoy watching this.  I need to understand the rules better. I have lots time to do that.  They sure know how to pass the ball.

Salamumu Beach

Matareva Beach

Looks almost like a post card.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Saturday morning at Peseaga

Rugby game

Little kids Rugby

Stake Relief Society Volleyball tournament.  This is their uniforms.  They play in their lava lava.

They are pretty good.  The older sisters played to and they are quit good.

Sporting those Nikes!

I think Gooding 2nd ward should try this.  You must play in lava lava.

Samoa Cultural Village

This is the food we eat.  It a tradition Samoa food.
We were invited to go to The Samoa Cultural Village downtown Apia.  They put this program on every Tuesday and Thursday.  It all free  and they feed you to.

Wood carving

This Samoa lady show us how to make this out of tree bark and then they paint it.

We are  the proud owner of a long boat.  It was not free

We bought this one to.

Brother and Sister Hammond's going away party.  They are from the Blackfoot, Idaho.  They leave Tuesday.  We are going to miss them.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Another Beachs

This is the beach we went to today.  Elder Gillette and even Sister Gillette went snorkeling.  There was  huge clams and lots of pretty fish.  It was a great day and a great beach.

Elder Gillette finishing for the day. What can I say it was a hard day in the mission field.

Culture Day at the School

  1. \\\ 

Every year at the school they have " Culture Day" at the school.  They wear there lavalava (skirt) and their usual clothing not their uniform. The kids are divide in houses and complete.  Here it girls are getting papaya ready for a soup with papaya and coconut cream.
These young man are getting the coconut out of the coconuts.
Cracking the coconut.
Making coconut cream.
Staring the fire to get the rocks hot.  the rock are used for cooking the food.
A hot coconut drinking.  Kind of like oatmeal.  Not bad.
There was four fires going and the smoke  was bad.
The young ladies are weaving the basket they put the food in after it is done cooking.  They weaved Sister Gillette  a hat.
Killing the chicken.
This is coconut chips they use them like we use charcoal chips.

Killing the pig.
Papaya and coconut cream soup.  I did taste a little of this pretty good.
Charcoal oven.
Sister Gillette and young lady that plays on the rugby team.  I have the hat on they made me.
Getting the pig ready.  They have to burn the hair off the pig.
Wrapping the fish for the hot rocks to cook.  I really don't know what kind of fish they had some where yellow and some were blue.
The hair is off the pig now they getting it ready to put hot rock and banana tree leafs inside to cook the inside of the pig.
Elder Gillette tried some their hot chocolate  drink.  I think they called it cocoa mo.
Getting the pig ready.
Getting the chicken ready.
Some of the young ladies just waiting around.
Putting the pig on and around the hot rocks.

The whole meal in the rocks now they cover them with rock and them leaves.
The meal is done.
Looks good.

Taking the meal to chief.  It was quite the day. The kids cooked the whole meal in the way they cooked them at their village. We were very carful not to eat to much.  It was fun watching it all.