Saturday, June 6, 2015

Girls rugby at the school.  This field is right by our apartment.  The field is always busy in the evenings.  Rugby games every where.  Need to learn the rules.

The vo-tech shop at the school.

Elder Gillette at his shop.  Notice no welding equipment.  They say things in the shop go on walk about.  (they turn up missing)

The gym, assembly hall for the school.  This where we go to church.  No door or windows. It get very warm in church.  Elder Gillette hates it because he can not hear well inside.  When the kids are bad they just take them outside to play.

The lunch room.  The kids just eat outside.

The class rooms at the School.

Young woman outside the temple.

This  a bus that the kids rode to the temple.  This is how all the bus look like in Apia.  They are different colors and have different names on them.  Looks fun?  Some ride it for three hours to get to the temple. Count your blessing Larry and Owen.  Do you know how many Samoa can get in a bus?  one more Samoa.  That what they tell us.  I believe it you should see the buses down town the are loaded.

The Samoa Temple in Apia.  It is very pretty inside. We can see the top of it from our apartment.  At night it is very pretty.  It is so great to have it so close to be able to see it every day.  It is right by the campus of the school.


  1. What Island are you on? It's so beautiful!

  2. Haha, I see the temple! I know where you are! ❤️ love you guys!

  3. Apia, do want to join the rugby team?

  4. Rusty looks thrilled in his shop!! :) Ha, Ha, ! Love reading about your mission. Miss you. Susie

  5. Glad you guys are there and working hard as always. Thanks for sharing on your blog. Love you both.

  6. So excited for you. Just got the blog site from Lucindas page. Rusty looks very compfy in the shop. The people are beautiful. Take care. Love all the pictures.
