Friday, September 18, 2015

S and S


Helping the Sister Missionaries with their house.  These two sister are the best!

Building selves for a  another pair of Sister Missionaries.
Fixing the Elders bikes.
At the LDS school in Savai'i  called Vaiola

The students their.

Love this picture.  Missionaries teaching in a Fale.

Savai'i has three little pigs too.
Pictures of a lava flow that came through a village.

The church

The lava came all the way around and came through the front door.

Best senior couple ever.  Ha Ha

Best Tour guides and friends ever.  Brother and Sister Jacobs. Thank you.
Should be fun when the family comes.

The beach where we stayed.

The crab in the rafters.

Can you believe that story?  Always excitement with Elder and Sister Gillette.

Rusty's  Crab Shack!
Great snorkeling at this beach.

A view of the fales.

So many fish.  A view from the snorkel mask.

Sister Gillette saw a turtle. Love it.
This farm is owned by a member in our ward.   This is a very good farm.

They bring in good dirt and build up the seed beds. They have their own green house to start their plants.



Elder Gillette was in heaven.


Their is always something pretty to look at in Samoa.

Blow Holes

This little guys drop coconuts down the blow holes for twenty tale.

The coconuts go flying out of the blow hole.   

That guy Samoan is crazy!

A job well done.

Another beautiful waterfall.  You can swim their.

See what I mean.  Beauty ever where.

Waiting for the ferry to go home.

On the ferry sitting in the car between all these trucks.

It was one rough ride back.  But we lived to tell about it.

1 comment:

  1. Those Sisters are so lucky to have Elder Rustys help. He is a fix it guy. Love the ocean pictures and so cool you are so close. Take care. Love you both
