Friday, May 27, 2016

Let's go Shopping in Samoa.

McKenize's.  The Yellow Store the Senior Missionary call it.

Road side shopping.

Fresh produce.

The green store on the other side of the island.

No problems with parking.

We have a Payless two!

The Little shop on the hill.
Another green shop.

Myna's  is great for shopping for American food.
Down town Apia.

Great place to buy souvenir.

Amy's gift shop.  Our friend Angie work here.

All ways a Sale at the Talofa Inn.

Saturday is all way busy downtown.

 Sewing shop.

Sister Gillette love this place.

The best place to buy shirts.
We do have a show house.

Cell phone and internet store.

One of Elder Gillette favorite places.

Corn dogs and smoothies.
One of Elder Gillette favorite places.  We have spent a lot of time here.

One of the many  Chinese  shop
McDonalds's, play ground,  best ice cream cones.   

This  is just a few of the stores.  Their is a slot  more sewing shops, take away places, and great eating places.

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