Friday, July 3, 2015

Kickball, Classrooms, School Dance

We taught the neighborhood kids to play kickball.   Now they want to play every night after school.

Students getting ready for classes.

Automotive Class

Sewing Class.

Sister Williams.  She is a very nice lady.  I have enjoyed working with her.
Students sewing.

The students sew bags, tops, table cloths, skirts then the sell then at a fair in downtown Apia.

Yes, I made this one and added my own personal touch by embroidery Samoa on it in yellow.

Elder Gillette,  Brother Rash and welding student. Elder Gillette new missionary suit is his blue overalls.

Computer Class

Woodworking class.  Sister Passi.

The young men in the white shirt is in the sewing class and drives Sister Williams crazy. So I decided to help out with him and now he is my best friend.  I got him to finish sewing his shorts.  That was his project for the class.

Elder Gillette in class

This is a table that  Elder Gillette and Bishop Manoa made. The table is for his restaurant downtown Apia.  He came to Elder Gillette and ask for help.  Elder Gillette has somebody ever day asking him to fix something.  They think he can fix anything.

Dance at the school.  The Rugby team preforming.

The students at the dance.
They dance just like the kids in the America.  They were looking forward to it.   They did not have to wear their uniforms.  The girls all dressed up and looked cute.

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