Sunday, September 18, 2016

27 Reason we love snorkeling in Samoa.

1.  The children and the Samoan people we meet at the beaches.
2. The beaches are all different but, amazing.
3.  The many things you see in the ocean.

4.  The fish are ever shape, size and color.

 See what I mean.

5. The Star Fish

6. The coral come in a lot of different colors and shapes.
7.  Just enjoying the water in the ocean.

8.  Friends  and lunch.
9.  Always something different to look at and "Ask what that?"

10.  Sand Dollars.
11. More fish.

12.  A black eel.
13.  Spotting a turtle.

14.. Spending the day with other missionary couples.

15. Finding a new beach

16. Taking pictures of our friends.
17.  Looking at the that green things.
18.  The Big Clams.

19.  The Baby clams.

20.  Another Big Clam.

21.  Another fish.
22.  Another beach, another star fish.

23. Something different!

24. The beauty of the bottom of the ocean.

25. Millions of little fish swimming around you.

26 More clams.

27. We never get tired of looking at the big clams.  That why we love snorkeling in Samoa.

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