Sunday, September 4, 2016

Just some Picture.

Pesega Girls Rugby Team.  At lot of the these girls are in my sewing and cooking class.
The best Elder on the island " Elder Barley".

Nicky,  Elder Gillette son on the island

We never get tired of the beaches and the color of the ocean.
Jenny Girl. 

Welding class with Brother Rash.
Best day on the island.
The Three Samoans.
Sister Williams and Elder Gillette looking at the water fountain Elder Gillette made.
We love our young women.
Best Elders ever.
Love these young ladies.  God Bless them.
One of my first student friend on the island "Elaine".
The FTT girls made a quilt out of my left over material from all the ties I have made.
Sister in the mission.

Baby Larry Russell.
Jenny Girl and Larry Russell.

Temple Trip.
Neighbor hood kids.  So darn cute.
Starfish in the ocean. 

Giants Clams.  Our favorite place.
We do love the water.
A night out.

Good friends and neighbor, Layton and Sister Lolo

Independence Day Celebration.
We will never forget the time spent with all the students preparing for this event.
We have been blesse to serve in Samoa.

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